Abundance for Life
Date : 23rd and 24th April 2022

On the 23rd and 24th of April, 2022, we had an incredible Abundance for Life webinar. There were 17 participants from India, UK and the US who experienced clearing of stuck, stagnant and old doubts and blockages around abundance, money and wealth. The feedback shared by each participant was filled with mirth, enthusiasm and hope for building a beautiful future.
Why is this webinar for you?
Many of us live and operate from a mind-set of scarcity and limitation. We focus on what we don’t have, such as financial security and confidence, which keeps us feeling insecure and inadequate. We think “if only I could have those things, I could be happy.” However, constantly striving for more often means our ego is driving our thoughts, actions, and reactions, preventing us from reaching something greater - a true sense of inner peace, acceptance, and fulfilment. These internal experiences allow us to access the great riches of the universe and life’s infinite possibilities.
You will learn:
How to master abundance from The Universal Source, uncover deep-rooted money blocks, un-limit yourself and implement powerful new “abundance habits” so that success, prosperity and wealth becomes your reality.
How to reprogram your brain into a wealth attraction machine.
How to awaken your brain’s neuroplasticity, and rewire your thought patterns for an abundance of wealth by triggering instant and deep neurological transformation.
Learn the main habits of successful people and main rules of an Abundant Mind.
Uncover your money blocks, discover common limiting money beliefs, and voice out and reframe your money beliefs.
Receive Your Super Abundance!
Right now, we are in a unique time between two worlds, one that used to survive on fear, and a new one that thrives on love and honor for all life.
Being in this in-between space can feel quite challenging as we navigate away from a reality entangled in worry, lack, separation and fear to create the space for ourselves to embrace a new emerging reality that prospers, honors and blesses us all.
However, this in-between space is also where magic happens, because our previous survival-based habits, patterns and behaviors that once held us back are being disrupted.
It’s from our current in-between space where we as a human family have the potential to create a new paradigm that reflects the qualities we'd like to experience more of, qualities such as Freedom, Prosperity, Peace, Kindness, Love, Happiness, and Vitality.
We are currently in one of the ripest times in humanity’s history to fully bring these qualities into fruition for ourselves, and for the world.
This Abundance for Life Webinar has been put together to help you utilize the energies of the current in-between space.
Abundance Breakthrough
Date : 19th and 20th March 2022

We had a wonderful 2-day Abundance Breakthrough webinar attended by 25 participants from all walks of life located in California, Ohio, Texas, Australia, Ghana and India. The workshop helped break the limiting blocks all the way from the lineage of one's ancestors. It was like metamorphosis from deep within - transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
Do you feel stuck in stressful and painful patterns even as your heart aches for the life of your dreams?
Do fears about money, your future, your mental peace and financial stability haunt you?
Have you tried all kinds of techniques, meditations and programs, but still experience scarcity and want?
Do you feel like the Law of Attraction just doesn’t seem to work for you?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, the Abundance Breakthrough Webinar is for you!
This signature webinar will help you identify and remove blocks so you can attract abundance, manifest your dreams, find success in business and relationships, and experience greater levels of happiness and freedom.
We will work on cultivating a mind-set of abundance and empower you to manifest a beautiful external world.
In the Abundance Breakthrough Webinar you will learn how to:
Activate your intention by resetting your goals and vision
Heal your chakras and release subconscious and energetic blockages
Align your energy to abundance by rewriting your subconscious mind with a story of empowering vibrations
Break free from patterns of scarcity and build a more powerful abundant energetic vibration
Discovering Your Money Story using a Money Genogram
You can experience results very quickly by applying the techniques taught in the Abundance Breakthrough Webinar. You will be able break patterns that have hampered you for years. We will tap into and reprogram your subconscious mind to reset your energy system.
This webinar is for you if you want a spiritual and grounded path to cultivate a mind-set of abundance, shift from surviving to thriving, and reach your financial goals with security and independence.
Abundance Unleased
Date : 21st to 25th April 2020

We had an awesome Abundance Unleashed – Clearing Money Blocks Webinar from Apr 21st to 25th, 2002 with 32 participants joining us online from the USA, New Zealand, Dubai, Goa, Cochin, Bombay, Chennai, and Bangalore.
Abundance Unleashed Webinar is designed to transform your ability to, magnetize abundance in all areas of your life.
In this workshop, you will:
Identify your blocks to abundance
Dismantle your blocks
Eradicate the blocks completely
Reprogram your subconscious mind to get whatever you desire
Change your mind set to complete positivity
You will be using powerful techniques of tapping to transmute blocks into positive beliefs.
Relax yourself, think about the word “Abundance" and see what comes to your mind now. Do you picture plentiful bank account, luxury cars or extravagant vacations? Maybe you imagine a gorgeous home by the beach or a rewarding career?
Now answer this… Do you also see yourself in that image?
If your answer is yes, that’s fantastic! Either you’re already living a life of abundance, or you’re well on your way there. But if your answer is no, I’m going to tell you why...
You see, the subtle reason why many of us can’t see ourselves living a life of greater success, prosperity, the freedom to be, have, do or give anything we want, is because of our hidden abundance blocks.
Unless you know what these sneaky blocks are and how to overcome them, they can sabotage your progress and prevent you from achieving the results you want.
In Abundance Unleashed Webinar, you’ll discover what the most common abundance blocks and how to dismantle them using EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique and Clearing your Chakra and DNA and Break Through Your Hidden Blocks.
In this online workshop you will go over 4 Steps to Unleash Your Abundance and hit the Gold mine.
💰 Clear Blocks To Abundance
💰 Increase Your Prosperity Consciousness
💰Attract Your Abundance
💰Claim Abundance Now