Reiki Level 1
Dear Ruthara ji, Reiki level 1 journey is interesting and deep. Each process paved the way for purification in us. I am looking forward eagerly to starting 21 days of healing journey.
A feather touch of cosmic brush on me was so soothing and calmed all my nerves, and I was just drifting into sleep. Guide’s presence was supportive and elevating and also took care of me gently to be in awareness of falling into sleep. Drifting into sleep and also being in awareness, this pull, at the same time, is a beautiful sight to behold in me. Overall, my strength has increased, and that’s a beautiful shift in me.
Reiki Level 2
Thank you, Ruthara ji for empowering us in each of your courses. All your courses are personally crafted for our well-being and evolving! I thank all participants for their contribution of their energies as a group, thus equally propelling us to sail further. Thank you
Reiki Level 3B and Grandmaster
Dear Ruthara ji, The Reiki Grandmaster course is very powerful and very very intense. Healings are still happening within, eliminating toxins that serve no purpose. I am honoring myself by learning Reiki from a very powerful teacher. I felt her presence behind me the following day of class, healing my past. It’s a beautiful Energy Work class! One has to witness and experience it to understand it.
The motherly unconditional love, guidance, and healing always pour from Ruthara ji to us. We can always lean on her safely and witness miracles in our lives by altering our reality through healing!
We knock at her doors to heal our crises, whereas she knocks at our doors even before the entry of crises! My journey from theta to reiki is very transformative and healing, happening at the deepest layers. If there’s a word to say beyond gratitude, I would like to express it through my feelings, emotions and love with humility
Rappo Ruthara ji builds with each student is outstanding. As she always is a giver, giving the best, I would receive it with gratitude and flow it onto others! All she wants from us is to cultivate evolution!
All energy work processes were very powerful right from the start. After the last on-death knowing process, I am not the same person; I could sense this beautiful shift in me! Only if we experience and know death, one knows how to live!
I thank each participant for journeying together at all Reiki levels. Though the group is small, group energies were immense and powerful, supporting each other’s healing! Ruthara ji… with love & gratitude,
Reiki Level 1
Dear Maam, Thank you for a wonderful class... conducted in your unique signature style of giving experiential learning. The relaxation I went through is a reminder of the subconscious stress and struggles I am still carrying in my head and body. For the first time, I knocked off during meditations on both days. The introspective writing was an eye opener and triggered a much needed thought chain that led to painful places and revealed repetitive patterns... I could connect the dots of incidents spread over a couple of decades. Much healing is required for me to level up, and I look forward to doing the 21-day cleanse. This program is nothing like the Reiki I learned earlier... You always exceed expectations...
Thanks to the group energy and support. I don't mind repeating again that many of you have played a part in my healing and transformation journey... I am deeply grateful to each of you. Much appreciated.
Reiki Level 2
Maam.... Here is my gratitude... full of exclamations!!! What a weekend!! The experience of the meditations was profound yet soooo subtle! Invisible to common (wo)man, but as healers/spiritual seekers, we totally get it!! The WOW element always in your guided meditations... Point in case: the "Spine' street with the Chakra-colored houses..BY-GOD... Superb!!!! Thank you is too small an expression of gratitude for this energy exchange!! Platinum-Diamond- Thanks- Card swiped to max limit!! Love you, maam! Group energies... The beautiful model. Each one of us has their own set of 'Karmic baggage'... but as a group we are supporting each other and healing!! The ways of the Creator of Universal Energy are beyond understanding. (In Hindi, they say 'Mahima aparam paar'.) I am just open and grateful!!!
Reiki Level 3B and Grandmaster
Ma'am, I am deeply grateful for your guidance and initiation into Reiki 3B Your class meditations were next LEVEL! Each meditation was so well thought out and 'executed' in your inimitable voice. The energy, teachings, and learning you brought in from your vast multi-modality experience—no one can replicate! Love you, maam. You are an angel in disguise. Thanks to the group energy. It was a pleasure to see the familiar faces.
Priyanka Pradeep
Reiki Level 1
I'm going through a very very rough patch and my issue right now is that I'm highly worried about things around me so I m not able to concentrate on receiving any good energy Only when I understood the layers of aura and details about the chakra did I understand what this worry doing to me my heart was pounding so heavily, but after 1st day reiki class it became better and in so many days I slept well after so many days in the second day class, I got an opportunity to heal my current issue, even with the reiki guide by my side; he also healed my chakras I'm still in worry mode, but I know I've been taken care of, and the anxiety has reduced very much. Ma'am, I am very grateful for your support in every area of my life. Thank you so much for making me understand things in such a beautiful way and also helping it to get resolved.
Reiki Level 2
Ma'am, I can't thank you enough for Reki level 2 class. It came in at the right time for me, and I know very well all the meditations were for my benefits and keeping us in mind. All the tools and techniques were so bang on and just so appropriate for me to use. Love you, ma'am, and thank you for being there for me in my tough times.
Reiki Level 3B and Grandmaster
Dearest ma'am, I truly saw myself transforming after every level of reiki, though I couldn't make it out myself, I understood from all my transformations that the changes are always from within and not from outside.
Each and every meditation from level one itself was hinting at this inner transformation, and as the levels got intense, the experience through them was also very intense, and by the Gandmaster level everything changed for the better, and my experience was more and more profound. I can never thank ma'am enough for all these experiences, which, if not for her, I couldn't have gotten them anywhere. I'm holding all those experiences in my heart as it's difficult to express them; they can only be felt and not spoken about . Thank you so much, ma'am for being my Spiritual mother
Reiki Level 1
I came to the Reiki class with an open mind and some expectations. That it'd be this detailed and well structured is beyond me. I had a Reiki session when I was in school, and the memory of the energy has stayed with me to the extent that I too wanted to be a part of this. Everything from the moment I've met Ruthara madam has been serendipitous. And so too was this. I'm very grateful to both of you as well as the participants and our Creator for making this happen. Look forward to greater epiphanies along this journey.
Reiki Level 2
While I may not be blessed with the intuitive abilities of most participants, I remain indebted to you Ruthara madam, not just because of my faith in you but because of your faith in me. And I continue to tag along this merry ride as a young child soul discovering many new things with bewilderment. The last 2 days were amazingly special, as even when I felt distracted during the processes with my wandering mind, your voice (which I actually imagine and hear during my routine Theta downloads) kept me on track. I'm blessed to have all teachers and mentors in this lifetime put their faith in me, and I'm glad to count you as one too. My deepest gratitude to all the participants for allowing me in their midst. Warm regards.
Reiki Level 3B and Grandmaster
What a whirlwind winding down of the three days of this amazing workshop on Reiki Level 3B and Mastership* Each Reiki workshop conducted by our dearest mentor and Mother Ruthura Mam has outdone the previous one, and this was no less profound than the previous ones. I consider myself deeply blessed to have you in this life as our குரு and leader in this journey of self-discovery and unconditional love.
That you take so much effort to put together these amazing sessions, going the extra mile each time, is a testament to your care and concern for our welfare and our souls awakening. The first day was an immediate revelation when I could visualise you initiating and attuning me in the various processes. The second and third days simply raised the bar with tantalising experiences that are indescribable.
All through, I've received messages of trusting the process and sticking to the five principles of Reiki, which you embody so well. A final shout out to each of the participants for bringing in their positivity in making this workshop a success and their contributions in the cumulative energy consciousness that made it a beautiful and sacred space. Gratitude.
Divya S
Reiki Level 1
Dear Ruthara Ma'am, I wanted to share with you that I have been feeling a sense of joy and lightness over the past two days. I felt heaviness and worry lift from my mind and from my heart. I haven't felt this carefree and light since I was a young child. Thank you for the incredible soul offering you have put into this Reiki Level 1 workshop. I truly appreciate how much you focus on our evolution and healing more than just teaching a skill. Not many teachers have the ability to do that. Over the years, you have consistently been this way—with your commitment to change and healing from within. You are my inspiration and my hero in so many ways. Gratitude. You are graceful, ma'am. Your legacy and your name will live well beyond your time. Thank you :)So much gratitude for the day I walked into the Alwarpet center.
Reiki Level 2
What a rollercoaster these past two days have been. I didn't realize how much weight and heaviness I have been carrying in my heart over the past few decades. I felt a complete release from the crippling grief and mourning that I was stuck in. The way that you have infused the wisdom of your experience with the teachings of Reiki Level 2 is truly commendable. The learning has been made sweeter by your love, your magnanimity, and your light. I am truly blessed to be able to learn from you, to be loved by you, and to heal and evolve with you. Much gratitude...
Reiki Level 3B and Grandmaster
Dear Ruthara Ma'am, I am genuinely lost for words. I honestly have no idea how to appropriately articulate into words the gratitude and love I feel for you. I am going to try my best. I have gone from being a cynic about Reiki to being a daily practitioner who walks in faith. This is possible only because of the purity and sincerity of your teaching and transmission.
You truly are pure source. Reiki (with you) doesn't feel like just a healing technique; it feels like I have stepped into my divine life purpose. I finally feel like I know why I am here and what I am meant to do. I feel like my life is shifting from ordinary and mundane cycles of time into divine timing and magic. As a teacher, your generosity and dedication are like the ocean—deep, vast, awe-inspiring, and all-encompassing. I sometimes watch you with my mouth agape. It isn't an ordinary person who can hold space for so many souls with compassion.
Even though I use a lot of words, words aren't enough to say what I need to say. I don't know anyone else who is so invested in her students' spiritual evolution and happiness. Thank you.
Dr. Gowri Meena
Reiki Level 1, 2, 3B and Grandmaster
Dear Ruthara mam, I am so very grateful for the blessings bestowed upon us. I find it difficult to put in words the divine experiences I ve had It felt and still feels like a hungry person is not only fed but given a feast. Such generosity, grace, mercy, and kindness you have shown. It’s a boon to have a spiritual Guru who walks the talk. Such beautiful experiences. I am still trying to fathom the depth of spiritual knowledge that has been gifted so graciously by your good self, mam.
Ever so grateful to you and all co-participants who contributed to the group energy and enhanced the experiences and learning. I pray that we all put to good use what has been given with so much maternal love, and may you continue your services as long as God willing, many many more decades in the bestest of your health, mam. Wishing all of us love light and prosperity
Reiki Level 1, and 2
This class was an eye opener for me. Despite attending many classes and practicing other modalities of healing, the knowledge and experience gained in this class is immense. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every process that was taught to us. You just made it very simple and easy for us to understand ma’am. Thank you so much, ma’am! I am eagerly looking forward to further practicing reiki and infuse it in my daily life alongside theta.
The forgiveness meditation was really powerful. During the meditation, I was feeling heavy in my chest as there was so much to forgive. As I kept forgiving, I felt lighter and lighter. This helped in releasing a lot of unwanted emotion and hatred that was stored in me.
Really grateful to have completed the Reiki grandmaster course. Even more grateful to have a teacher like Ruthara ma’am to guide me. Thank you once again, ma’am.
Reiki Level 3B and Grandmaster
This class was an eye opener for me. Despite attending many classes and practicing other modalities of healing, the knowledge and experience gained in this class is immense. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every process that was taught to us. You just made it very simple and easy for us to understand, ma’am. Thank you so much, ma’am! I am eagerly looking forward to further practicing reiki and infuse it in my daily life alongside theta.
The forgiveness meditation was really powerful. During the meditation, I was feeling heavy in my chest as there was so much to forgive. As I kept forgiving, I felt lighter and lighter. This helped in releasing a lot of unwanted emotion and hatred that was stored in me.
Really grateful to have completed the Reiki grandmaster course. Even more grateful to have a teacher like Ruthara ma’am to guide me. Thank you once again ma’am.
Reiki Level 1, 2, 3B and Grandmaster
Dear ma’am,The journey from Reiki-1 to Reiki-3B Grandmaster has been awesome. Having learnt level 1 and 2 earlier from a different teacher and learning the modalities from you is a testimony of your spiritual enlightenment, deep experiences that you have seen, and the unbelievable energies that you have been experiencing during the classes or away from the classes.
It is just not the Reiki teaching that goes with each class; it is the meditations and cleansing exercises that you bring to the students that add value to our spiritual journey. The forgiveness exercise, the death-like experience, and DNA activation were so unique and something we as class/group energy genuinely benefited from..
Thank you so much, ma'am, for everything that you are doing for the students. A big thank you to my fellow participants as well; without you, this journey would not be possible.
Reiki Level 1, 2, 3B and Grandmaster
Dear Guruji, Reiki has been a modality that I was introduced to early on as a young teenager, and it's something that has never left my side, as it's something I strongly believe in.
I am writing this with deep gratitude and consider myself fortunate to have learnt this modality at all levels from you. What I loved about the class is the additional techniques you introduced to us and I'm so grateful that you instilled confidence in me to start teaching slowly to others. I could feel the powerful vibrations with each meditation and the attunement processes. Once again, grateful to you for being my Guru and holding my hand like a guiding angel.
Reiki Level 1, 2, 3B and Grandmaster
Dearest ma'am, I don't think my words will do any justice to what you have done for me and my family. I cannot imagine my life without you and your teachings.
The reiki classes have been truly life-changing. All the efforts that you have taken to put together an exceptional and life-altering experience cannot be explained through this feedback. The mastership class was so different and curated to a level for advanced practitioners. It did not feel that I was part of an online class, but rather a strong community of shamans sitting together, healing the world.
For the last few months, I had been experiencing immense pain in my body and running to the chiropractor every week. Also, she had been put on multiple supplements to heal various other issues. This one reiki class over the weekend has literally wiped off all the pain, like it never existed. I am feeling so light and free of negativity. All the people around me have been more supportive and understanding suddenly. This is truly because of the magic you created for us and taught us. I am feeling more empowered than ever to deal with difficult situations life is throwing at me.
Thank you is a very small word for changing my world
Reiki Level 3B and Grandmaster
Dear Ruthara Mam, You are truly an incredible giver, and I always admire your generosity and dedication to helping us evolve. Your passion and the love you pour into everything you do shine through every session and every word you speak. The Forgiveness Meditation, Death Experience Meditation, and Anthakara DNA Activation Meditation were so intense, deep, transformative, and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
The values and high standards you set for your students show your unconditional love and passion for what you do. It’s rare to find a master who shares such profound teachings and goes above and beyond to ensure that each of us receives the best. Your commitment to our growth is inspiring, and it shows just how deeply you care about all of us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a beautiful soul and a guiding light. Your teachings are not just lessons; they are life-changing experiences. I am endlessly grateful to have you as my master. Sending you loads of love and gratitude, always!
Vidya Raman
Reiki Level 1
Thank you so much for having me attend this class. I came in filled with so much dense low anxious energy, and each of the exercises and the last third eye meditation helped clear the blocks and showed me the path forward. Grateful and feeling much lighter!
Ruchika Sikri
Meeting G Ruthara mam was a spiritual experience in itself. She has such vibrant positive energy. She has been a great spiritual teacher and mentor. I had the pleasure to take Reiki level I and II workshops from her. It was a very grounding and mind opening experience. I was able to heal myself and my environment.
Dubai, UAE
G Ruthara mam has is not only my Reiki teacher but also healed my family for a long time and helped us out of a very tough situation. I am ever thankful to her!
I learnt all three levels of Reiki with G Ruthara mam. To become a healer has been excellent. I can heal others now which was my main motivation. The people I hel,p express deep gratitude to me for this. Before I started, my life was a mess and I didn't know why.
Reiki Infinite Healer stabilized and improved my emotional life for me. I guess it's the expansion of consciousness I experienced as I was learning. The course is fantastic and I'd recommend it to everyone.
Monika Goyal
I attended Reiki-1 and Reiki-2 workshops with G Ruthara mam, in June 2007 . She's one of the most wonderful teacher and healer I have met on my spiritual journey. It has been simply the most amazing experience of my life and has changed my life for ever!
Mrs. Arjun
Dubai, UAE
My journey with Reiki has been the most life changing and paradigm shifting experience. I am a Reiki master and I help people who need my help. I learnt Reiki from G Ruthara maam when I was in the 10th grade and I have had the privilege to experience school, college and professional life with this modality. Reiki is such an empowering tool that can help one with just about anything under the sun, be it physical ailments, career issues or the most nerve wrecking moments. Reiki has literally been the first door that opened for me in my journey to spirituality and from then onwards, there has been no looking back. I am extremely grateful to the Universe for sending G Ruthara ma'am into my life, who is truly the most experienced, loving and generous teacher I have met in this lifetime.
Miss. Tiwatia
I learnt Reiki Level I and II from Ruthara Ma'am when I was a young teenager. I didn't know that I was being equipped with a beautiful healing tool that would stay with me for life. Reiki is very close to my heart and has made my connection with God stronger. I still rely on Reiki when I'm faced with a situation that needs to be healed. It is the go-to technique in my arsenal, and is so easy to use. I have also used Reiki on my loving pets, to heal them from illness. Knowing about the chakras and regularly meditating on them has also made me more intuitive and emotionally stronger. Ruthara Ma'am had beautifully conducted the class, and made it interesting and easy for young folks like me, while introducing us to the spiritual realm. I am thankful to her for giving me this beautiful gift for a lifetime.
I am a Reiki Master. This course is really precious. I opened the chapters like I opened a treasure box. My intention was always right - heal myself and others. My teacher, G Ruthara, was kind, compassionate and understanding. I was able to heal my wounds so that I am able to extend my healing hand to others. Information is available out there. I think everyone should have the opportunity to connect with Universal Energy. The course is just great!
I was looking for the right teacher at the right time I found G Ruthara to learn Reiki. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity! Each Level was wonderfully and thoughtfully taught with practical exercises. Reviews and hands-on healing were practiced in the center! Feeling Blessed.
What an amazing course that imparts such a wealth of knowledge! I had no idea how Reiki healing classes would work, but G Ruthara ma'am is such a kind, experienced, and passionate teacher that I felt lucky to find her and learn from her. I absolutely loved this course and will be taking the Masters class as well. Thank you, ma'am, for offering this wonderful teaching. I am blessed!
Meera Pillai
I recommend these Reiki workshops to anyone and everyone! Reiki is love energy and benefits all living things tremendously. G Ruthara is an amazing teacher; you will not be disappointed.
Abu Dhabi
What an amazing course that imparts such a wealth of knowledge! I had no idea how Reiki healing classes would work, but G Ruthara ma'am is such a kind, experienced, and passionate teacher that I felt lucky to find her and learn from her. I absolutely loved this course and will be taking the Masters class as well. Thank you, ma'am, for offering this wonderful teaching. I am blessed!
I have never experienced a workshop or training in my career where I felt as nurtured, enriched, and valued as I did with G. Ruthara. I feel very fortunate and blessed to have met and worked with this spirited, wholesome, and caring person. Many thanks, and of course... I’ll be back!
I am delighted that I conducted thorough research before selecting where to pursue my Reiki course. I sought the most experienced Reiki teachers in Dubai, as well as someone who approached the practice with deep respect for its history and background. Upon entering G Ruthara's class, I discovered all of this and more. I instantly knew I had chosen the perfect place. The training was exceptional, the storytelling was captivating, and the knowledge shared was extensive—I couldn't have asked for more. I eagerly anticipate returning for Reiki Masters! Thank you immensely for your valuable contributions.
The Reiki classes with G. Ruthara are the best there are. These classes are full of knowledge and techniques that'll make you eager to test your new skills on family and friends. She has a world of experience in several fields and blends knowledge from each to give you a very well-rounded learning experience that allows for plenty of guided practice sessions. These classes are my newest addiction. Just when I think there couldn't be anything else to learn, she pops up with more information that leaves me in awe. Thank you :)
The Reiki classes with G. Ruthara are the best there are. These classes are full of knowledge and techniques that'll make you eager to test your new skills on family and friends. She has a world of experience in several fields and blends knowledge from each to give you a very well-rounded learning experience that allows for plenty of guided practice sessions. These classes are my newest addiction. Just when I think there couldn't be anything else to learn, she pops up with more information that leaves me in awe. Thank you :)