Service Description
Theta is a powerful trance-like state; a very deep state of relaxation. The brain waves are at a frequency of 4-7 cycles per second, in the Theta state. This brain activity has been detected and validated by electroencephalograph study. Theta brain waves can be considered as our subconscious. Memories, emotions and feelings are held here. Our beliefs and attitude towards something, is held in this space. The beliefs held in the subconscious, influences our behavior. If behavior needs to be changed, the underlying beliefs need to be resolved. Sometimes, these beliefs are not our own – they could be genetically inherited, just like a disease or disorder. Or, the belief may be from a past life. In the Theta state, these beliefs can be easily accessed and cleared, instantly and permanently. New positive beliefs once installed, behavior changes can be observed by the client. Clients receiving Theta healing have experienced relief from diseases, chronic pain and emotional stressors such as fear, guilt, rejection, resentment and regret. They have seen success in career, finances, relationships, attracting a compatible soul mate, etc.